

Victor Hugo “Les Miserables”

One of the main works of the French writer of the 19th century, Victor Hugo is considered the book “Les Miserables”, but popularity came to him much earlier, after the publication of the first novel “Notre Dame de Paris”. Victor Hugo isn’t like the other authors of the romantic era, his work can be traced the interest in social themes and problems of differentiation of society.

Image result for Victor Hugo "Les Miserables"

The main thing about the work

His famous novel the author wrote more than a quarter century. It was a long, exhausting work, which required a lot of attention and effort. The book is divided into five parts.

One of the main themes of “Les Miserables” is the fate of people, against their will, rejected by the society. A number of works considerable, depending on the publisher number of volumes can be two or three. The book is characterized by contrasts between philosophical reflection, lyrical digressions, dramatic story and historical facts.

Victor Hugo draws a parallel between two completely different images ― convict and righteous. The purpose of the author to show the readers the differences between them, and to allocate a single human nature.

The main characters of the novel “Les Miserables”

Because of the great fullness of the book, to read the novel “Les Miserables” briefly is almost impossible. In order to understand the whole drama of the work needs to feel the fate of all the characters.

The protagonist ― ex-convict Jean valjean, who found himself behind bars for stealing bread for his hungry nephews. From the first pages, the author poses the question about the guilt of the state in violation Valjean. Hugo believes that a person shows their identity only in severe situations.

The other main character ― the orphan Cosette, which fell victim to improper and inhuman treatment on the part of adoptive parents.

The main character Fantine suspected of prostitution. Because of the bad rumors, the girl was expelled from work, the society began to despise her and her little daughter. People’s opinions changed Fantino forever. Now she has no choice but to go outside.


In his work, Victor Hugo reveals an interesting idea: a society that despises a man for his past only dooms him another big meal compared to those who managed to overcome.

The main problems of “Les Miserables”:

  • the power of love and the law;
  • the brutality and humanity;
  • adversity and prosperity;
  • the suffering of the rich and disadvantaged the poor.

After the publication of the book took place over 150 years, however, readers from all over the world continue to admire the skill of Victor Hugo. For many years, “Les Miserables” have become classics of world literature.

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