

10 books, from which blows cold

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Peter Høeg’s “Miss Smilla and her sense of snow”

She knows dozens of kinds of snow and reads him like an open book. One day, returning from work, she learned that her neighbor’s little boy Isaiah fell from the roof and died. His death the coroner believes random.

Smilla knows Isaiah because she cared about him. Mother also an alcoholic before him was not the case. The boy was afraid of heights. That he was forced to climb onto the roof? “Snow” sense of Smilla tells us that Isaiah’s someone chased. She was sure that it wasn’t an accident.

Besides, the boy is constantly examined in the clinic and even had a biopsy. The test results are classified. Who was chasing him? A smile will have to figure it out.

Dan Simmons “The Terror”

The book is based on real events. In 1845, in search of a Northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific went on the two ships “Terror” and “Erebus” expedition. Commanded a crew of experienced Explorer sir John Franklin. All hoped for success, but this did not happen. People disappeared without a trace.

On their quest sent rescuers, but they no trace is found. The author Dan Simmons is building his version of the missing explorers. In his opinion, do not blame the ice and not bad food, and animals that terrorized the group.

Dan masterfully recreated in the book the atmosphere of terror and the piercing cold of the Arctic, what I want to drink a Cup of hot tea and feel the safety of home. It is recommended not to read highly sensitive people.

Jack London’s “Smoke Bellew”

Had you to go camping? If Yes, then you know exactly what difficulties may arise along the way. The main character of the book Smoke Bellew have a long footpath to his dream — to the gold of Alaska. Found him on the Peninsula and prospectors from across the continent rushed to find him.

Along the way, he met another newbie named Little. With him, they became inseparable friends. Smoke become accustomed to a comfortable life. Hard work, coarse food, difficulties have tempered and changed his attitude to life.

The hero begins to understand that sometimes a piece of sugar more valuable than gold, but friendship and love are more valuable than wealth. The author vividly describes the beauty of winter nature: waterfalls, mountain rivers, frosty air, so that readers will feel on itself all delights of winter adventures. The book of Jack London’s “smoke Bellew” will not leave anyone indifferent.

John Christopher’s “The Long winter”

The book is about a global catastrophe On Earth due to a decrease in solar activity there was a sharp cold. European countries have ceased to exist. Everywhere rampant nomadic gang. Most people migrated to Africa, where there was overcrowding.

The author’s attention is drawn to how people behave in extreme situations. The cold emanating from the pages of the book, makes you wonder about the fragility of our lives.

Sarah Gio “BlackBerry winter”

The story of lost in a snow storm baby. The title of the book this is not just. “BlackBerry winter” is a rare phenomenon of nature, when spring suddenly swooped a winter storm.

The story promises to be interesting. Seattle 1933. Faith ray, leaving for work, kisses his son. Arriving home, he learns that the city is covered with snow, and her son nowhere to be found. Near the house is an abandoned child’s favorite toy Daniel’s Teddy bear. The boy was never found.

The same city 80 years later. Claire Aldridge is a reporter for the local newspaper finds out that the city was struck by the same storm, which was many years ago when the boy went missing. Claire takes on the hopeless case. It turns out that her destiny is intertwined with the fate of the Faith ray. How? Learn about it from the book.

John Ernst Steinbeck “Winter of our discontent”

The novel is set in 60 years. The main character Ethan Allen Hawley from a wealthy respected family, but due to the fact that they went bankrupt, forced to work in the shop on the street two blocks which once belonged to his family.

Ethan is burdened by his position of a loser and thinks he has ruined them because I was too honest. All family members are pushing Ethan to change his life. He is erudite and witty, honest, decided to take a few dishonest deals, then becomes rich. Conscience nearly drove him to suicide. About this enlightening book, John Ernst.

Dean Ray Koontz “Ice prison”

Do you trust your intuition? Not always? In vain! Head of a scientific expedition to the Arctic was plagued by doubts about the good outcome of the risky venture. His intuition did not disappoint, but it was too late.

In the earthquake, the ice cracked and the group was trapped. The situation worse. Besides, one of the scientists turns out to be a killer, a psychopath who went on a murderous hunt. Will survive if any of them? Read about it in the book.

Dan Brown “Deception Point”

A NASA satellite discovered in Antarctica deep in the ice of a fragment of a meteorite. After studying it, scientists found fossils of living organisms, probably belonged to an extraterrestrial civilization.

The expedition, consisting of independent scientists sent to the Arctic to verify the authenticity of the artifacts. Soon after arrival, they are dying one after the other. What or who kills them? This is the book Dan brown’s “deception Point”.

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Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s “Cat’s Cradle”

To retell the plot of the book very difficult. The writing style of Kurt Vonnegut is distinguished by originality of thought, a peculiar view of the world, black humor, irony.

The event revolves around a dangerous invention of Dr. Felix Henniker called “ice-nine”. It is able to freeze all living things and threatens to doom the Earth.

“What does the cat’s cradle”? — you will ask. It’s just such a children’s game with rope on his hands, which creates intricate designs. Read the rest of the book by Kurt Vonnegut “cat’s Cradle”.

Graham Joyce’s “The Silent land”

A couple from England came to rest on a ski resort in France. Already returning to the hotel, they were caught in an avalanche. The pair managed to break out of blocks of snow with great effort. Back in the hotel, they discover that no one was there.

There is no soul in the village, although the technique and electricity work. All evacuated? Why wherever they went all the time back to the hotel. What happened to them?

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